Sexual Assault Services

 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) are registered nurses who have completed specialized education and clinical preparation in medical forensic care for patients who have experienced sexual assault or abuse. Delivered through contracted service providers, on-call SANE nurses provide immediate care within seven days of a sexual assault to people who would like supportive care, including medical attention, information about resources, as well as the option to have forensic evidence collected.

Annapolis Valley, South Shore, Tri-County areas:
1-877-577-SANE (7263)

Halifax/Dartmouth area:

Guysborough, Antigonish, Pictou & Richmond Counties:
1-877-880-SANE (7263)

Sydney and greater Cape Breton areas:

Cumberland, Colchester East Hants and Eastern Shore areas:
1-833-757-SANE (7263)

Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS)

An umbrella association of Violence-Against-Women organizations across the province. They offer a range of services and supports to women and their families experiencing violence, including access to free 24/7 communal shelter and basic necessities, crisis lines, advocacy and court accompaniment, and counseling & outreach services.

204-6169 Quinpool Road, Halifax


Avalon Sexual Assault Centre

The Avalon Sexual Assault Centre is a feminist organization working to eliminate sexual assault/abuse, and to change the current socio-political culture that fosters sexism, social injustice and other forms of oppression. They offer counselling services (waitlist-pending), access to SANE nurses, and prevention intervention & awareness trainings.

401-1526 Dresden Row, Halifax


Colchester Sexual Assault Centre

The Colchester Sexual Assault Centre (CSAC) is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to strengthening, empowering, and supporting survivors of sexualized violence (sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual trauma) in a gender-equitable, compassionate environment.

403-35 Commercial Street, Truro


Pictou County Women's Resource and Sexual Assault Centre

Supports women through direct services including individualized advocacy and accompaniment, information and referrals, outreach, and support counselling. As social change advocates, the Centre collaborates with community and agencies to work collectively towards raising awareness and prevention activities.

503 S. Frederick Street, New Glasgow


Antigonish Women's Centre & Sexual Assault Services

Provides services to trans & cis women, Two Spirit, and gender diverse persons, primary in Antigonish and Guysborough counties. Services include specialized sexual violence trauma therapy, SANE Nurse program, crisis and ongoing problem-solving support, information, advocacy, accompaniment, and referral.

219 Main Street, Antigonish
