Dalhousie & kings on campus supports

Dalhousie On-Campus Supports

Dalhousie's Sexualized Violence Policy

This policy is one of the main components for strategic action to prevent and respond to sexualized violence. The purpose of the Policy is three-fold: to prevent sexualized violence by indicating the seriousness with which the University views and responds to this issue; to be educated, in that its existence will increase awareness of the impacts of sexualized violence and of options, resources and services available to those who have experienced sexualized violence and members of University community generally, and; to provide timely, coordinated, consistent and fair response to disclosures and reports of sexualized violence.

Purple Folder: Responding to a Disclosure

Outlines positive and negative responses, resources and supports that exist on campus and in the community, referral options, and other resources to help you navigate responding to a disclosure of sexualized violence. 

Services for Current Students

Visit this webpage to get a comprehensive list of support and services available to Dalhousie students, including but not limited to academic support, health coverage, finances, housing, cultural, religious, and spiritual supports, accessibility needs, and more.

Dalhousie University Human Rights and Equity Services

Human Rights & Equity Services (HRES) provides trauma-informed, survivor-centred confidential advisory service to members of the Dalhousie community seeking advice and support related to human rights, discrimination, personal harassment & conflict, sexualized violence, equity & inclusion, accommodation & accessibility.

HRES Services include confidential reporting, informal & formal complaint options, personal support & referrals, safety planning (with Security Services), coaching to engage in difficult conversations, conflict resolution process facilitation, educational programming and outreach.

6300 Coburg Road, 4th Floor Macdonald Building, Halifax

Sexualized Violence Advisor

The Sexualized Violence Advisor is trained to help students, faculty and staff who have experienced sexualized violence. The Sexualized Violence Advisor offers trauma-informed, confidential support, including crisis intervention, liaising with medical/legal/police services as requested, coordinating safety plans, referring to counselling and ongoing support, advising on possible academic or work accommodations and processes outlined in the Dalhousie Sexualized Violence Policy, and providing other consultation and case management services (including incident logging).  The Sexualized Violence Advisor allows individuals affected by sexualized violence to share as much or as little as they are comfortable with and can provide supports and resources regardless of where or when the sexualized violence occurred.

6300 Coburg Road, 4th Floor Macdonald Building, Halifax

South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre

South House (SoHo) aims to provide resources and referrals to the University and broader Halifax community, as well as a safe space for people to organize. They also offer free meeting space to anti-oppression groups at the discretion of the Board. SoHo offers a wide range of workshops and educational programs, available upon request.

1443 Seymour Street, Halifax

Dalhousie Student Advocacy Service (DSAS)

A student society run through DSU, DSAS offers support to students who have been accused of an academic offence, those dealing with harassment or discrimination, and more. Services include their advocacy team navigating university policy, education & outreach, and university policy reviews.

348-6136 University Ave (SUB), Halifax

Student Health and Wellness Centre

Offers same-day counselling appointments, mental health supports, group counselling, and services provided by doctors, counsellors, nurses, a psychiatrist and a social worker. Visit here to book an appointment for same-day counselling.

Halifax Campus:
1246 LeMarchant Street, Halifax (second floor)

Truro Campus:
11 Sipu Awti, Truro

Sexton Campus:
1360 Barrington Street, Halifax
Room A109, A/B Building

Indigenous Student Centre

Open to all Dalhousie students, the Indigenous Student Centre offers drop-in spaces to study, traditional smudging indoors & access to plant medicines, support with an Elder, financial awards, and ongoing events & programming. Programs range from cultural activities to networking opportunities, educational and information sessions to on & off-campus referrals.

1321 Edward Street, Halifax

Black Student Advising Centre (BSAC)

Open to all Dalhousie & King’s students of African descent, BSAC offers academic, advocacy, study skills & writing, financial, and cultural supports as well as resource navigation. They offer three Mentorship Programs seeking to connect students of African descent via high school mentoring, peer mentoring/tutoring program, and professional mentorship for networking and relationship building experiences.

1321 Edward Street, Halifax

Dalhousie International Centre

The International Centre is your one stop for all supports and services for students immigrating to Canada from around the world, exchange and study abroad students, newcomers, and anyone else seeking support. They offer a wide variety of services ranging from what to do when you land in the Halifax airport, finding places to live, immigration information, working & financial, ESL support, health insurance & services, students with families, funding opportunities, and more. The International Centre is always hosting events and programming, so be sure to check their socials and webpages for details!

Halifax Campus:
1200-1246 LeMarchant Street, Halifax

Truro Campus:
11 Sipu Awti, Truro

Sexton Campus:
1360 Barrington Street, Halifax
Room A109, A/B Building

LGBTQ2SIA+ Collaborative

Emerging from discussions between Human Rights & Equity Services (HRES), DalOUT and South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre, the LGBTQ2SIA+ Collaborative is a forum for communication between, and collaboration among, campus stakeholder groups engaged in efforts to foster a climate of respect and inclusion for LGBTQ2SIA+ students, staff and faculty.

Multifaith Services

Available to all Dalhousie & King’s students, staff, and faculty no matter what their faith, philosophy, or doubt may be. They support the spiritual wellness of students and staff and the creation of safe space on campus by providing private counselling and immediate crisis response; promoting opportunities for inter-faith dialogue and spiritual development; working cooperatively with partners on and off campus; offering programs and events designed to develop respect and understanding between and among people of diverse spiritual and religious backgrounds.

407-6136 University Ave (SUB), Halifax

Dalhousie University Ombudsperson

Ombudsperson provides independent, impartial and confidential support to students who want to resolve any university-related concerns, advises of rights, responsibilities, & procedures to follow to resolve university-related concerns, facilitates discussions between appropriate university administrators, and makes referrals to appropriate offices and resources within the university.

452-6136 University Ave (SUB), Halifax

Dalhousie Security Services

Dalhousie’s Security Services offer both on and off-campus supports to keep students safe at both the Halifax and Truro campuses. They’re available 24/7, offer drop-in services, and are able to respond to incidents of violence, including sexual assault and/or harassment, upon students’ request. Please note, Dal Security are not police officers and will not alert any additional officers unless you specifically request those supports. In the event of emergencies or if you’re in danger, please call 911.

1252 LeMarchant Street, Halifax

Campus Emergencies:
Halifax: 1-902-494-4109
Truro: 1-902-893-4190

General info and parking:
Halifax: 1-902-494-6400
Truro: 1-902-893-4190

Kings On-Campus Supports

Sexual Health and Safety Officer

Provides trauma-informed active listening and can help individuals decide what supports and avenues are best for them. If you are supporting someone who has experienced sexualized violence the SHSO is also available as a support to you.

077 Lower Link, King’s College Campus

University of King's College Sexualized Violence Awareness, Prevention and Response Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline an accountability framework for preventing and responding to Sexualized Violence through the following: coordinated, comprehensive, inclusive, and culturally relevant awareness, training, and education programs; coordinated, comprehensive, inclusive, and culturally relevant support for students and other King’s Community members who have been affected by Sexualized Violence including reasonable and appropriate counselling, health and medical care, peer support, academic accommodation, and other support and accommodations as available from prevailing health and wellness services and resources at the University; coordinated, comprehensive, inclusive, and culturally relevant preventative programs that take action against Rape Culture within the King’s College; clear, appropriate, and fair processes for handling Reports of Sexualized Violence covered by this and other University policies.

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response

Visit this page to view King’s College collection of resources, services, and supports available to King’s students. You can also view their Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Handout which discusses how King’s defines sexualized violence, introduces on-campus supports, their sexualized violence policy, and a flow chart of what the reporting process can look like.

Peer Support

King’s students have access to three on-campus peer support workers who provide free, non-judgmental, confidential, and safe mental health support to students.


Student Support Advisor

The Advisor is available to meet with students—or those concerned about a student—virtually or in person. They can help with problem solving, service navigation, or mental health support.


Dean of Students

Contact the Dean of Students confidentially to receive supports, or to make a disclosure or report.

1-902-422-1272 ext. 131


Residence Life Staff

Students in residence can reach out to their don, or another don they feel comfortable with. There is always a don on call after-hours.

1-902-422-1271 ext. 132