Budget — Dalhousie Student Union

DSU ELECTION | Re-vote on Referendum (Dal Commerce Society)

How is the DSU Funded?  

The DSU operates on an approximately 2.8-million-dollar budget with funds gathered from membership fees, revenue from businesses, and small profits from investments. Each full-time student contributes $77.28 per semester in DSU Membership Fees. Part-time students pay $40.18 per semester. Membership fees are also collected from distance students at a rate of $10 per year for full-time distance students and $5 per year for part-time distance students.  

Of these fees,  

  • 43.45% goes toward the DSU’s general operations 

  • 30.67% goes toward society levies 

  • 16.17% goes toward renovations 

  • 2.75% goes toward facilities improvement 

  • 6.96% goes toward DSU offices and services levies 

The DSU General Operating Budget contains all the expenses related to staff salaries and wages, costs related to operating our services and businesses, and upkeep for the Student Union Building (SUB). 

The Renovations Fund pays for SUB infrastructure development. The SUB underwent a substantial expansion in 2016 which included the new Atrium study space, an improved food court, and upgrades to the Grawood. 

Facility Improvement includes costs related to the general upkeep of the SUB, including painting, repairs, and general maintenance. 

Levies collected for DSU offices and services are project specific funds. Levy fees are introduced by referenda questions decided upon by membership during a DSU General Election. 

Levies collected on behalf of societies are revenues belonging to those societies. We collect these levies and remit 100% of the fees to faculty-level societies each semester, upon completion of their audits! 

If you have questions regarding the budget, please email the Vice-President (Finance and Operations) at dsuvpf@dal.ca.