
DSU Committees are established in our governing documents, or by motions passed at Council meetings or Executive Committee meetings. Committees have specific goals and are composed of small groups of executives, councillors, and general members working together to plan events; support societies; make improvements to the DSU's operations, services, and policies; or to carry out other important work.

By being on a committee, you learn a lot about the DSU and how it works.

Join A DSU Committee!

Want to get involved with your student union? We invite you to become an integral part of shaping your campus experience! We are not accepting applications as of now.

This is your chance to take an active role in representing the student body and advocating for positive change. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be a part of the Student Union Committee and make a lasting impact on our campus. Submit an interest form and let your voice be heard!

If you have any questions, email / For more information about a committee, you can also email the committee chair using their contact information below.

Standing Committees

Standing committees are established in the Union’s bylaws or policies and meet regularly throughout each year to carry out the ongoing work of the Union.

  • The Board of Operations plays a crucial role in overseeing various aspects of the Union's operations and financial management. Key responsibilities include the annual appointment of a full-time Dalhousie Student as the Vice-President (Finance and Operations). The committee provides vital oversight in the Union's business planning process, reviewing and approving service contracts, and managing building space allocations.

    The Board of Operations takes charge of monitoring the fiscal health of the Union, ensuring sustained financial viability. This involves approving the draft budget, reviewing end-of-term financial statements, and approving capital project proposals. The committee also plays a role in overseeing the Union's investment portfolio, ensuring alignment with long-term objectives and policies.

    In addition, the Board of Operations has the responsibility to propose any necessary fee changes to the Council and review and approve all personnel changes, agreements, and policies. The committee's overarching goal is to ensure effective financial management, strategic planning, and the overall well-being of the Union. Meetings of the BoPs are restricted to members of the committee.

    Contact: | Vice President Finance and Operations

    Current Members: William Jones - Chair/VPFO | Mariam Knakriah - President | Thomas Schnare - Faculty of Management Rep, Maggie MacInnis - Faculty of Law Rep | Karen Talesnik - General Member | General Manager | Financial Controller | 2 Seats - Alumni

    Seats available: 2 Alumni seats available

    For more information about the BoPs, see Bylaw 6.6.

  • The Bylaw and Policy Review Committee (BPRC) plays a pivotal role in the governance of the DSU. Through this committee, members develop expertise in reviewing and revising the DSU’s bylaws and policies to ensure they align with the evolving needs and values of the student body. It recommends any necessary amendments to council.

    Their work is significant as it helps maintain a fair and transparent framework that governs the DSU's operations and ensures accountability. Meetings of the BPRC are open to all DSU members.

    Contact: | President

    Current members: Mariam Knakriah - Chair/President | Ryan Dee (BoG Rep 2), Tobi Onibudo (Faculty of Computer Science Rep) – Councillors (not executive officers) | Ali Barnaby - General Member

    Seats available: None

    For more information on the BPRC, see Bylaw 6.6.c.

  • The Elections committee helps to organize the DSU general election, and any by-elections, sets the regulations for elections each year, and navigates complaints and appeals in the elections process. Meetings of the Elections Committee are restricted to members of the committee.

    • Contact: | Nohel Ahmed - Chief Returning Officer

    • Current members: An-Kita Das, Izabella Usitalo, Iliyan Nausadali Manasia and Khaleda Akther Papry - General Members

    • Seats available: 1 seat available

    Committee should be in accordance with Bylaw 9, 9.5.g. and Elections and Referenda Policy.

    *Note: Members of the Elections Committee shall not be Executive Officers, Councillors, or a member of any other Standing Committee of the Union.

  • The external committee assists in developing and implementing DSU campaigns, raises awareness of relevant student and external affairs issues, and assists the DSU in forming positions relating to these issues. The committee's significance lies in its ability to strengthen the DSU's external connections, foster collaboration, and advocate for student needs beyond campus boundaries. Meetings of the External Committee shall be open to all interested Members of the Union and any other such people as determined by the Vice-President (Academic and External)

    Contact: | Vice President Academic and External

    Current members: Nick d'Entremont - Chair/ VPAE | Ryan Dee (BoG Rep 2), Rowan Kieth Menzes (Graduate students Rep), Thomas Schnare (Management Students Rep) – Councillors (not executive officers)

    Seats available: none

  • The Grants and Sponsorship Committee (GSC) plays a vital role in securing funding and sponsorships for DSU initiatives, programs, and events. Through active involvement in this committee, members gain valuable experience in grant writing, fundraising, and sponsorship negotiation.

    The GSC also sets guidelines for grants and sponsorships and reviews grant-related Union policies. Meetings of the GSC are open to all DSU members to attend.

    Contact: | Vice President Finance and Operations

    Current members: William Jones - Chair/VPFO | Bianca Morelli - VPI | Olivia Ripley (Fac of Arts and Social Science Rep), Rowan Keith Menzes (Fac of Graduate Studies Rep)– Councillors (not executive officers) | Blair Irish - General Member

    Seats available: None

    For more information about the GSC, see Bylaw 6.10.c.

  • The International Student Emergency Bursary Committee (ISEBC) addresses the unique financial challenges faced by international students during unforeseen emergencies. Members of this committee develop a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of international students and play a crucial role in distributing emergency financial aid.

    The committee's significance lies in its ability to provide timely support and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for international students within the DSU. Meetings of the ISEBC are restricted to members of the committee.

    • Contact: | Vice President, Finance & Operations

    • Current members: William Jones - Chair/VPFO | Nick d'Entremont - VPAE | Vinayak Maheshwari - International Student Representative | Patricia Porto de Barros Ayaz - General Member.

    • Seats Available: None

  • The Judicial Board (JB) serves as an independent body within the DSU responsible for resolving disputes and upholding the organization's constitution and bylaws. Members of this board gain valuable experience in conflict resolution, mediation, and fair decision-making.

    The Judicial Board delivers judgements on the interpretation of the DSU's governing documents and advises Council on violations of DSU policies and the appropriate corrective action. The Judicial Board also serves as an Elections Appeals Committee when needed.

    The Judicial Board is composed of three general Union members, at least one of which must either hold a law degree or be in at least their third year of law school. In appointing committee members, Council may prioritize Indigenous students, Black students, students of colour, students with disabilities, 2SLGBTQ+ students, women students, and students belonging to other equity-seeking groups. Meetings of the Judicial Board are restricted to members of the committee.

    • Contact:

    • Current Members: Davin Caratao, Joud Ghazal - General Members

    • Seats available: 1 Seat available (must be a third-year law student or higher).

    For more information about JB, see Judicial Board Policy

  • The Oversight Committee (OC) makes recommendations regarding appointments in DSU Committees, assists in recruiting committee candidates, evaluates the annual performance of the DSU executives, and makes recommendations regarding roles, responsibilities, and renumeration. Meetings of the Oversight Committee are restricted to members of the committee.


    Current members: Nicole Dupere (Medicine Rep), Victoria Slipp (Science Rep)- Faculty Rep | Vinayak Maheshwari (International Students Rep) and Kassidy Augustine (Indigenous Students Rep) - Community Rep | Sophia Boucher, Gabriel Milhet - General Member.

    Seats available: 1 general member seat available

    For more information about the OC, see Oversight policy section 2.1

  • Members of Society Review Committee (SRC) learn about society constitutions and governance and get to know the ins and outs of the ratification process. The SRC meets at least once per semester to review ratification applications and ratify societies, and to assist, evaluate, or discipline societies when needed. Meetings of the SRC are open to all DSU members.

    • Contact: | Vice President Internal

    • Current members: Bianca Morelli - Chair/VPI | William Jones - VPFO | Kriti Maini - General Member | Tobi Onibudo (Fac Computer Science Rep), Eshaan Arora (BoG 1) – Councilors (not executive officers)

    • Seats available: None

    For more information on the SRC, see Bylaw 6.11.c.

  • The Student Accessibility Fund Committee (SAFC) meets at least once per semester to review applications for Student Accessibility Bursaries and award funds where appropriate, and to discuss and disperse funds to accessibility initiatives. In making appointments to the SRC, Council will prioritize disabled students. Meetings of the SAFC are restricted to members of the committee.

    Contact: | Vice President Internal

    Current members: Bianca Morelli - Chair/VPI | Eshan Arora (BoG Rep 1), Thomas Schnare (Management Rep) – Councillors | Irene Sandra, Isadora Barber - General Members

    Seats available: None

    Application deadlines:

    Sunday, September 4th

    Sunday, September 18th

    Sunday, October 2nd

    Sunday, October 16th

    Sunday, October 30th

    Sunday, November 13th

    Sunday, November 27th

    Meeting dates:

    Thursday, September 8th

    Tuesday, September 20th

    Thursday, October 6th

    Tuesday, October 18th

    Thursday, November 3rd

    Tuesday, November 15th

    Thursday, December 1st

  • The Ad-Hoc Black Student Leadership Committee fosters a supportive, collaborative space for Black students at Dalhousie. It brings together members from across the diaspora to address the unique needs of the community, plan inclusive events, and amplify student voices.

    The committee ensures diverse perspectives are heard and represented, with meetings open to all appointed Black student representatives.

    Current members: Chair - Black Students Representative | Evelyn Wedderburn

    Secretary: Timi Okuboyejo 

    Dalhousie Black Science Society Representative(s): Samantha Kieyele

    Dalhousie Black Student Society Representative(s): Keymorah Urgelles AND Amanda Anaele

    Dalhousie Eritrean and Ethiopian Diaspora Society Representative(s): Delina Aman

    Dalhousie Black Law Student Association Representative(s): Brooklynn Johnson

    Dalhousie African Nova Scotian Society Representative(s): Tristan Thomas AND Nathan Tesfazion

    Dalhousie Black Business Student Association Representative(s): Andi Fabien

    Imhotep's Learning Community Representative(s): Chinenye Onumadu AND Treasure Soladoye

    Dalhousie Black Medical Students’ Association Representative : Danika Knight

    Dalhousie Caribbean Connections Representative: Patrice Walker AND Alex Goddard

    Seats available: None

    For more information about the Ad-hoc committee, please see the Terms of Reference