The Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) is a participatory democracy composed of over 20,000 students studying at Dalhousie University. Through elections, 4 executive members and 22 faculty and community representatives oversee the day-to-day operations of the Union. The DSU advocates for student rights, builds community on campus through events and by supporting over 250 societies, and provides discount services to save you money!
Meet the team!
The Student Union is organized by five student executives: a President, Vice President (Internal), Vice President (Finance & Operations), and Vice President (Academic & External). 3 of these positions are elected by students in the Winter semester, and one is appointed by the Board of Operations and can be applied for!
The Council oversees the operations of the Union. It is composed of the Executive, representatives of faculties, representatives of students from particular communities (e.g. International students, LGBTQ students), and the student representatives on the Board of Governors.
To help support the advocacy, programs, service and day-to-day operations of the DSU, we have full-time staff work to ensure the union progresses smoothly and consistently.