Full-Time Staff
DSU staff work to ensure the day-to-day operations of the Union progress smoothly and consistently.
General Manager, Meghan McDonald
Responsibilities: Meghan is the most senior member of the DSU’s staff and liaises between the DSU Council, Executive, and staff to provide efficient, student-focused services and facilities. Meghan reports directly to the DSU Executive team and supports them in managing the day-to-day operations of the services, programs, and facilities provided within the Dalhousie Student Union Building under their direction.
Why you may want to contact the General Manager: If you are looking for information on the services provided by the DSU, or about big-picture ideas for the future of the Student Union.
Director of Facility Operations, Patrick Martin
Responsibilities: Pat is responsible for keeping the doors open and supporting the operation of the many programs and services provided to the Dalhousie student body within the Student Union Building, the DSU Sexton Office, and the T-Room.
Why you may want to contact the Director of Facility Operations: If you are looking for information regarding the activities of Production Services, Computer Support, SUB Security or SUB Facilities. If you have concerns, suggestions or compliments regarding the areas above, give Pat a call or send him an email.
Director, Conference Services, Kristen Grant
Responsibilities: Kristen is responsible for booking and organizing all of the activities that occur in the conference facilities of the Student Union Building, including the McInnes Room. She also coordinates the activities that occur in the main lobby’s common space. These activities range from society promotional activities to student forums to vendor tables.
Why you may want to contact the Director, Conference Services: If you are interested in hosting an event in a SUB conference room (including the McInnes Room), or interested in booking a display/information table in the lobby to promote your society or to sell your products.
Sex Education Resource Centre Manager, Jodi Vander Heide
Responsibilities: Jodi provides confidential, non-judgmental, trauma-informed, low-
barrier access, and systems navigation to students seeking support with questions or
concerns related to sex or sexuality, including the operation of the anonymous and
confidential SERC sexual assault and sexual wellbeing navigation line. She also manages
the daily operations of the SERC, which provides educational workshops, awareness
campaigns, access to resources and information, and a lending library.
Why you may want to contact the Sex Education Resource Centre Manager: If you’re
interested in accessing resources, education, and support around issues related to sex
and sexuality, and sexual violence.
Food Bank Manager, Louis Holman
Responsibilities: Louis leads, coordinates and oversees the daily operations of the Food Bank and other related programming initiatives including the future of the food bank. They also support the sustainable growth of the food bank to meet the increasing demand in the student community.
Why you may want to contact the Food Bank Manager: If you have questions regarding the Food Bank, or wish to become a volunteer!
Societies & Programming Coordinator, Ezza Zafar
Responsibilities: Ezza works with students and societies to help them access a variety of services. She oversees society-related applications, including event risk management forms (RMFs), Primary Event Organizer (PEO) training, society locker assignments, and office space applications. She also facilitates the ratification process for new and returning societies and coordinates the Clubs & Societies Expo. As a key point of contact for societies, she provides guidance and directs them to relevant DSU resources for various inquiries.
Why you may want to contact the Societies and Programming Coordinator (S&P): For any society-related requests including ratification inquiries, event approvals, risk management, PEO training, locker and office space applications, Clubs & Societies Expo, and other general inquiries.
Bar Services Manager, Lenka Tomlinson
Responsibilities: The Bar Services Manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the Grawood and
T-room, and handles events that facilities, societies, or individuals wish to hold in the Grawood or the T-room.Why you may want to contact the Bar Services Manager: If you are interested in making bookings at the Grawood or T-Room.
Financial Controller, Jackie Doherty
Responsibilities: Jackie is responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of all financial statements for the Dalhousie Student Union. She oversees two staff members and assists the Director of Operations and Vice President of Finance and Operations with the financial operations of the DSU.
Why you may want to contact the Controller: In the absence of the Accounts Assistant or Accounting Clerk when looking for information regarding invoices or payroll. Societies such as NSPIRG, Gazette and Women’s Centre, for example, who need assistance with budgets, finance questions and student levies.
Accounting Assistant, Charlii Lohnes
(902) 494-6007 | dsuacc3@dal.ca
Responsibilities: Charlii is responsible for the processing and recording of accounting transactions and reconciling and preparing reports. She assists the Financial Controller with the day-to-day operations of the accounting department.
Why you may want to contact the Accounting Assistant: In the absence of the Accounting Clerk when looking for information about payroll or if you have a question about an invoice that was issued to you. If your society is looking for information on fee schedules or transaction reports for your society.
Accounting Clerk, Maryanne Todd
Responsibilities: Maryanne is responsible for the day-to-day data entry for the accounting department, as well as the facilitation of part-time payroll. Maryanne works with the Accounting Assistant on a daily basis to maintain accounting tasks and deadlines.
Why you may want to contact the Accounting Clerk: If any DSU part time staff have a problem or question about their payroll, or if you have a question about any invoice or payment that has been issued to you personally or on behalf of a society.
Policy & Governance Coordinator, Aananya Paatil
Responsibilities: Aananya supports internal administrative, governance, and policy needs of the DSU and maintains an awareness of trends within the post-secondary sector. Aananya directly assists the Executive Officers in understanding and developing the governance structure, the DSU Constitution, and policies with respect to their goals and the Union generally.
Why you may want to contact the Policy and Governance Coordinator: If you are looking for information on the DSU Constitution or policy, DSU Council, or elections and referenda, you should contact the Policy & Governance Coordinator.
Marketing & Design Manager, Kelsey McNamara
Responsibilities: Kelsey is responsible for the creation and oversight of the visual identity of the Dalhousie Student Union. She manages the DSU website, and maintains the DSU’s communication & social media channels to increase member engagement and keep students informed. She coordinates and develops branding, strategic marketing plans, and graphic design assets for the Union, its campaigns, events, and programming.
Why you may want to contact the Marketing & Design Manager: If you are a DSU Exec, Office, Service, or Society and you want to request communications or graphic design services, or if you want to report an error or issue with the DSU website. * If you are a member of the media seeking an interview or commentary from DSU Executives you may reach out to Kelsey; your email will be forwarded off to the appropriate contact for coordination.