Caucuses are groups that meet to plan and strategize how to represent DSU members at the governing bodies of the University: the Board of Governors and the Senate. If you're interested in someday working as a DSU commissioner or officer, running for a councillor or executive position, or you just want to be involved in your student union, joining a caucus is a great way to start!
Join Senate Caucus!
Chair: Nick d'Entremont, VP Academic & External
Deputy Chair: Mariam Knakriah, President
Want to have a say in Dalhousie’s big decisions about academics? The Dalhousie University Senate is one of the University's two top governance bodies, along with the Board of Governors, and they’re in charge of Dal's academic mission.
The DSU Vice President, Academic and External and the DSU President sit on Senate along with 9 other students. All the student senate representatives meet in a larger group called the Senate Caucus to discuss what is happening at Senate, to get input from students about what they want to see done at Senate, and to plan how best to advocate for Dal students.There are 22 voting members of the Senate Caucus, but any student is welcome to join as a non-voting member!
If you are interested in attending caucus meetings or filling one of the vacant voting seats for the 2024-25 year, please fill out the interest form below. We are currently looking for from all faculties except Science and all communities except 2LGBTQIA+
Submit Interest Form
The voting members of the Senate caucus are:
Chair: Nick d'Entremont, DSU Vice President, Academic and External
Deputy Chair: Mariam Knakriah, DSU President
Agriculture Representative: Vacant
Architecture and Planning Representative: Vacant
Arts and Social Sciences Representative: Claire Goldberg
Computer Science Representative: Vacant
Continuing Education Representative: Vacant
Dentistry Representative: Dalia Nasser
Engineering Representative: Satyam Behl
Health Professions Representative: Swasti Arora
Law Representative: Maggie MacInnis
Management Representative: Vacant
Medicine Representative: Nicole Dupere
Science Representative: Ava Maleki
Graduate Students' Representatives (2): Gillian Nickerson
Black Students' Representative: Nathan Tesfazion
Indigenous Students' Representative: Vacant
International Students' Representative: Jeena Goyal
LGBTQ2S+ Students' Representative: Ry Lewis
Disabled Students' Representative: Eshan Arora
Women Students' Representative: Evelyn Burke
Board of Governors Caucus
Current members: Mariam Knakriah (Chair; President), Ryan Dee (Board of Governors Representative), and Eshan Arora (Board of Governors Representative).
The Board of Governors caucus plans strategies for representing student voices at the University’s Board of Governors, including writing reports and presentations to share with the Board and communicating back to students about decisions taken by the Board. Get in touch if you have ideas for what the DSU should advocate for at the board level!