The DSU Equity and Accessibility Office acknowledges that we reside in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We also recognize that even while attending this semester remotely, we all benefit from the land and resources of Indigenous people across Turtle Island. We are all Treaty People.
The Equity and Accessibility Office (E&A Office) was formed to address issues of systemic and institutional oppression at Dalhousie University and within the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU). The E&A Office strives to implement an anti-oppressive framework in all the work we do to make our community a more equitable and accessible place for everyone.
Mental Health Resources
▼ Wellness, meditation, grounding
Liberate Meditation (Black Community)
▼ Mental Health
*If this is an Emergency please call 911.
LatinX Therapy (LatinX and Spanish Resource List)
Pixel Thoughts (Grounding Exercise for Anxiety)
Clear Fear (Grounding/Support for Anxiety)
MindShift CBT (Tools/Resources for Anxiety)
MyLife (Mental Health and Sleep)
▼ Support & Resource Navigation
We Matter (Indigenous Youth Support Organization)
Hope For Wellness (Indigenous Crisis Line – All Ages)
Trans Lifeline (Peer-Led Support Line)
Removing Intimate Images Online
Resource Finder (Support Services)
Resource Finder (Psychologists & Therapists)
To conduct research through community consultation and outreach on specific and institutional issues of oppression and systemic marginalization.
To assess, advise, and propose changes through research, consultation, and outreach concerning Dalhousie University and Dalhousie Student Union policy and documents.
To assess, advise, and propose changes concerning extracurricular events on Dalhousie campus.
To build relationships and collaborate with other organizations, student groups, associations, societies, etc. at Dalhousie University.
To provide a source for students to file complaints or submit their grievances with the University Administration, Faculty, other students, societies, organizations, associations, and the Dalhousie Student Union.
To keep an ongoing file on complaints regarding equity and accessibility and to produce projects, research, and recommendations to address those complaints.
To create and provide educational materials and training regarding anti-oppressive practices for any and all students, societies, and organizations.
To create and provide educational materials regarding issues of oppression and systemic marginalization affecting students.
To work with the DSU VP Internal to address internal inequities within the Dalhousie Student Union.
DSU Equity and Accessibility Office: Feedback Form
Hours of Operation
Monday- Friday by appointment only.
Office hours | Tuesdays 11 am - 2 pm
Contact Us
Office Manager | Alexandra Doane
Project Coordinator | Shada Hamed
SUB, 3rd Floor, Room 346