Dalhousie Model United Nations — Dalhousie Student Union

DSU ELECTION | Re-vote on Referendum (Dal Commerce Society)

Dalhousie Model United Nations

DalMUN is a society focused on simulating United Nations discussions. Delegates will be given country assignments to represent their stance on diverse topics, debating amongst others at continent-wide conferences. The essence of DalMUN is to foster a competitive and supportive environment. This environment will give individuals the chance to foster their leadership and public speaking skills, and also make new friends.

The primary goal of DalMUN is to create an opportunity for individuals to travel, practice their diplomacy, and be a part of a community. Our vision for DalMUN is to create a solid society that lasts beyond 2023-2024. Competitive MUN teams across the continent are able to engage in high quality debate at conferences throughout the year, and gain recognition through awards which they casocn put onto their CV. We hope to create opportunities like this for current and future Dalhousie students.

Contact Us:

Primary: dalmun@dal.ca
Secondary: am564854@dal.ca


Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dalmodelun/