Women in Technology Society (WiTS)

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! We are the Women in Tech Society at Dalhousie University, and we're on a mission to shatter the glass ceiling in the computer science world! 🚀💻👩‍💻

We represent all the future female leaders, innovators, and trailblazers striving to make their mark in the tech sphere. Our events are carefully designed to empower, inspire, and create a strong network of incredible women in technology.

Why should you join us? Well, we've got an unbeatable mix of mentorship, skill-building, and networking opportunities! Our first-year peer mentorship program is the perfect icebreaker for newcomers, while our hands-on workshops will sharpen your skills in no time. And, let's not forget our networking events that will connect you with the industry's finest professionals! 🌟

Our main goals? We're all about bridging the gender gap, nurturing a supportive community, and helping you reach your fullest potential in the tech world. What makes us unique? It's the sisterhood we've created, the passion we share, and the impact we're making together in the tech universe. 🌍👩‍🚀

So, don't wait any longer! Jump aboard the Women in Tech Society and let's make history together! 🎉💪💡