Dalhousie Ismaili Students Association (DAL-ISA)

Dalhousie Ismaili Students Association (DAL-ISA)

Our society enhances the unity and quality of life of Dalhousie Ismaili Students Association members through conducting events and providing services balanced among the areas of education, social, cultural, sports, health, leadership development, and community relations. Doing so effectively and efficiently, in collaboration with partner institutions and in accordance with the principles and ethics of the Aga Khan Council for Canada.

Dalhousie Egyptian Society

Dalhousie Egyptian Society

We, the Dalhousie Egyptian Society aim to unite Egyptians at Dalhousie, provide them with a home abroad, and showcase our Egyptian Culture. The society started in Fall 2019 by a senior political science student who was interested in bringing the Egyptian community together and in introducing Egyptian and Middle Eastern culture to students who have never had the experience. Four years later, our current executive and council team still maintain the same values and goals that motivated the founders.

Omani Student Association (OSA)

Omani Student Association (OSA)

Welcome Omani students to Dalhousie and get them to learn about Halifax and Canada. Our society helps Omani students to get to know each other and feel at home in a foreign country. We plan to make events so they get to enjoy themselves between the heavy classes and dense quizzes. Also, get others to know about our country Oman. Our society helps to give space for students to relax when the semester gets heavy, and since Omanis are a minority this society lets them feel a sense of community.

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

CCO is the Catholic Community at Dalhousie! We are a group of people who are on all different levels faith! We are a space where you can both explore and ask questions about the Christian faith and grow deeper in your personal faith in community.

We run small-group faith studies, host large-group events like retreats and prayer nights, and there are almost always people hanging out on the 3rd floor of the SUB studying, playing games or just chatting.

We'd love to get to know you and hope you'll join us.

Dalhousie Chinese Society (DCS)

Welcome to the Dalhousie Chinese Society (DCS), where individuals interested in immersing themselves in Chinese culture join together to celebrate traditional festivals and learn more about the culture. As a general member of the DCS, you will have the opportunity to attend our annual dumpling festival in celebration of Chinese New Year, where we enjoy delicious food that symbolizes luck and prosperity for the new year, decorate lanterns and watch movies!

Dalhousie Building Smiles Society (DBSS)

Dalhousie Building Smiles Society (DBSS)

The main purpose of the Dalhousie Building Smiles Society is to create positive and lasting change in youth undergoing chemotherapy at the IWK health centre. We plan events and fundraise in order to create custom support/comfort baskets for youth to bring smiles to their faces during times of difficulty. In doing so, we also raise awareness about paediatric cancers and their effects on the community.

Heart4Heart Dalhousie Chapter

Heart4Heart Dalhousie Chapter

The Heart4Heart Dalhousie Chapter is a non-profit student-run charity that raises money to provide life-saving surgeries for children suffering from congenital heart disease in developing countries. We are one of eight chapters at Canadian universities and are partnered with Gift of Life International, and collectively, we have been successful in funding 62 surgeries to date.

Dalhousie Friends of Doctors Without Borders / MSF (FoMSF)

Dalhousie Friends of Doctors Without Borders / MSF (FoMSF)

As Dalhousie Friends of Doctors Without Borders we are the official university student support organization for Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières / MSF) Canada.

Doctors Without Borders is a non-governmental, international organization that provides emergency humanitarian medical aid.

We aim to fundraise for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Canada, raise awareness for their work, and encourage students to work with MSF Canada in their future careers.

Dalhousie Sextant Publishing Society

Dalhousie Sextant Publishing Society

The Sextant is the official student run newspaper for Sexton Campus! Articles are student written, and concern the students in the faculties of Engineering, and Architecture and Planning. Topics could include society events, conferences, tips for success, and interviews with staff.

Dalhousie Oceanography Student Association

Our society offers a community to Oceanography grad students. We advocate for student's rights to the Department of Oceanography and we offer help to students when it comes to program requirements, work progress, difficulties with profs/supervisors etc. All Oceanography grad students are encouraged to join one or more of our committees to be actively involved in the DOSA community. Our society is very important to Oceanography grad students as we have about 50% international students and we are…

Dalhousie Association of Biology Students (DABS)

Dalhousie Association of Biology Students (DABS)

Is Biology your bread and butter? If so… you’ve come to the right place! We are the Dalhousie Association of Biology Students (DABS for short), and we represent undergraduate biology students. DABS is a place for biology lovers to come together; whether you are in the biology program, taking a biology course, or just are interested in biology in general, DABS welcomes everyone! DABS does a range of events every year, from going to Point Pleasant Park to go bird-watching, to tie-dying…

Dalhousie Feminist Legal Association (DFLA)

Dalhousie Feminist Legal Association (DFLA)

The Dalhousie Feminist Legal Association fights to combat inequality in the legal profession and society more broadly. DFLA often hosts activities that support our mandate of enhancing education, offering resources and support, providing a safe space, and advocating for equality and inclusivity within and outside the law school. Additionally, we try to organize fundraisers for various feminist initiatives around Halifax.

Dalhousie Diploma of Engineering Society (DES)

Dalhousie Diploma of Engineering Society (DES)

The Dalhousie Diploma of Engineering Society (DES) represents all first and second-year engineering students. We address the academic concerns of our members with faculty, throw events and professional development opportunities, and provide the opportunity for our members to attend engineering conferences.

If you have any questions or want to get involved, we'd love to hear from you!