New Brunswick

Gignoo Transition House 

Gignoo Transition House 

Gignoo Transition House Inc. is the sole, non-profit Indigenous women’s shelter in the province of New Brunswick serving Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik, Passamaquoddy and other Indigenous women and children. At Gignoo, vulnerable and at-risk families are supported every day to help end the trauma in our communities. Guided by Indigenous knowledge, programs and services are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The resource is designed for First Nations women and children. 


South Eastern Sexual Assault Centre 

South Eastern Sexual Assault Centre 

The centre offers free, confidential specialized sexual assault violence services, including crisis and long-term support, both in person and through our 24-hour crisis line; hospital, court and police accompaniment, one on one support, and information and referrals to other community agencies.


Greater Saint John Sexual Assault Response Team

Greater Saint John Sexual Assault Response Team

Family Plus is a not-for-profit mental health service provider helping individuals, couples, children and families manage the challenges of today’s living conditions. Their professional counsellors are able to assist individuals, couples, and families in addressing a wide range of issues including but not limited to abuse, depression, gender identity, mental health issues, physical/sexual assault, sexual abuse, trauma/PTSD, and more. The following number is to connect with their Sexual Assault Response Team.

1-506-634-8295 extension 214