DSU Update on Council Decision Regarding VPSL Removal from Office 

March 14, 2022:

DSU Update on Council Decision
Regarding VPSL Removal from Office

In early December of 2021, the DSU Oversight Committee began preparing for the annual Executive Officer Performance Evaluations, which they are mandated to conduct each year in accordance with section 3 of the Oversight Committee Policy

During the January 24, 2022 meeting of DSU Council, findings from the Oversight Committee were presented to Council with a list of recommendations as well as requesting additional information and documentation to confirm the campaign and programming-based work that was outlined in the Vice President Student Life's performance evaluation. At the February 07, 2022 Council meeting, an implementation plan for the committee’s recommendations was adopted by Council and additional information and documentation from the VPSL was once again requested.  

Upon reviewal of these documents, Oversight Committee concluded that documentation provided was still insufficient to address the issues identified during the Performance Evaluations and that multiple Bylaw violations had occurred or were occurring. A review of the documents submitted was circulated to members of Council, and on February 28th a notice for a disciplinary motion was serviced to DSU Council to be discussed and voted upon during the March 14, 2022, Council meeting. 

As per DSU Bylaw 4.8., the motion to discipline an Executive Officer was noticed to Council 14 days in advance of when the motion was to be debated. The Executive Officer was informed of their right to submit a written response to the Council Chair prior to the meeting, and this written response was circulated to councillors accordingly. Additionally, the Executive Officer was given a reasonable opportunity at the March 14th Council meeting to respond to the allegations before the motion was put to a vote. The vote was made by Special Resolution, meaning a 2/3rds majority was required. 

All debate on the motion regarding discipline was held in camera, as per policy. The written response of the Executive Officer was read aloud before debate began and will be included in the minutes of the Council meeting.  

During the March 14th meeting, DSU Council voted to approve the disciplinary motion to remove Mazen Brisha from his position as Vice President Student Life effective immediately. All DSU Material must be passed on to the appropriate staff member by the end of this week. To read the motion which outlines the grounds for discipline, as well as other documents related to the Executive Performance Evaluations, please go to our website at www.dsu.ca/council

Since there are currently no candidates running for this position in the 2022/23 DSU General Election, it will remain vacant until an interim VPSL is appointed by the 2022/23 DSU Council and a By-Election will take place during the Fall of 2022. 

If you have any questions or concerns, contact dsuchair@dal.ca or dsu.policy@dal.ca

If you have any questions regarding Student Life programming, please contact dsudro@dal.ca.  


Jamie Samson 
DSU Council Chair